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It’s a Wonderful Life is one of the most popular and heart-warming films ever made. It’s near universal appeal and association with Christmas has provided a rich story of redemption that has inspired generations for decades.
It’s a Wonderful Life Study Guide examines this beloved holiday classic and reminds us how easily we can become distracted from what is truly meaningful in life. This five-week Bible study experience comes complete with discussion questions for each session, Scripture references, detailed character sketches, movie summary, and related commentary. In addition, a complete answer guide and video segments for each session are available for free online.
Perfect for Sunday School, small groups, homeschool and Christian schools as well as independent study, It’s a Wonderful Life Study Guide includes:
  • Five sessions of weekly study
  • Complete character sketches and summaries to go deeper
  • Downloadable and streaming videos for each session available for free online
  • Bible study questions that are ideal for group discussion
  • Answer Guide for all questions and Scripture Reference Guide available for free online
  • Available in print or e-book formats
There’s no better time than at Christmas to be reminded that every human life has value and that true wealth, spiritual wealth, comes from a right relationship with God and selfless love toward others.

Vermilye's bible study program uses Frank Capra's beloved 1946 film, It's A Wonderful Life, now a holiday classic, as a template to encourage discussion about the things that truly matter in life.... not just during the holiday season, but year round. Vermilye asks participants of this program: what can we take away from the character of George Bailey (played by Jimmy Stewart), a man persistently torn between his yearning to see the world, accomplish great things and his loyalty to his family, whose needs regularly challenge the possibility of fulfilling those yearnings?

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Through George Bailey, Vermilye looks at the common culprits within hectic lives that can distract us from missed blessings and suggests how we might regain focus. This study is laid out over a five week time frame, broken up into an easy to follow sectioned guide book full of discussion prompts and questions as well as detailed plot and character summaries. Also incorporated, naturally, are relevant scripture references.

Additionally, Vermilye offers online material in the way of clips from the film which can either be downloaded or watched straight from the site. Between the book text and the website, readers are given prompts on when to pull up each clip per unit (usually 3-4 per unit, five units total for the whole program). If you're looking into this program, I'm guessing it's because you've likely already seen and loved the film. That said, it should be understood that this program will unavoidably have spoilers within the text for anyone who has not seen the film. Since we're on the topic of spoilers, let me add my own here. At one point, Vermilye's text does make mention of the scene where Mr. Gower (Bedford Fallls' pharmacist) nearly poisons a patient after receiving disturbing news about his son, but the text does not explain that this was actually accidental, unintentional on Gower's part while he was beside himself with grief. 

Okay, so a quick breakdown of the program layout (what you can expect to cover / discuss):


* looking at "interruptions" (setbacks -- tragedy, unexpected expenses, etc.) in life as potential divine interventions to redirect you onto the path of greater things or opportunities. 
 Biblical Text Referenced:
*Book of Matthew -- Jesus & John the Baptist; Jesus, Peter, James & John in Garden of Gethsemane
* Book of Luke --- Joseph & Mary

Powerful questions: 
"What are some sacrifices you have made and how has that ended up affecting 
your life in the long run?"

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* respecting and appreciating one's individualism rather than treating people as objects or a means to an end

Biblical Text Referenced:
* Book of Luke (Zacchaeus story)
* Romans
* Parable of "faith of a mustard seed"

Powerful questions:
"Why might we feel that the things we do for others are insignificant in the grand scheme of life? According to James 3:5, what can one small spark do?"

"How do you know when a sacrifice is no longer worth it?"

"How would you describe sacrificial living? Does it come naturally or is it a choice?"

"How does our cynicism about a person's reputation hinder us from helping them, and then hinder them from making real change in their life?"


*there's empowerment in focusing on what you CAN control in a situation

Biblical text referenced:
Phillipians, Matthew, Mark, James,
Ephesians, Psalms, Proverbs,
Corinthians, Romans, Hebrews

Powerful questions:
"How would you define contentment? How has your contentment level changed as you have aged?"

"How has the emergence of instant communication in today's modern culture presented a challenge to managing anger? What might George have done if he had access to email, texting or social media?"

"What is James' instruction for us regarding our anger?"

"Have you ever felt like things just got worse the more you prayed?"

"How did Abraham maintain hope when all the facts pointed to something else? Do we have to ignore facts in order to have faith?"


*Naturally, this section incorporates parts of the Nativity story, but other biblical text referenced in:
Luke, Mark, Romans, Galatians, Hebrews

Powerful questions:
"How does your faith benefit family and friends and vice versa?" 

"Have you ever thought maybe you are someone's miracle?"

Image result for its a wonderful life movie


* "One of the reasons It's A Wonderful Life makes such an excellent bible study is that it emphasizes the importance of every life. Regardless of your gender, race, talents, abilities, or socioeconomic status, your life has value and it matters." ~Alan Vermilye

*George's story speaks to the heart of anyone who's ever struggled with feelings of low self-worth, wondering if anything you do has any sort of significant, far-reaching effect on the world. 

Biblical text referenced:
*Book of Job, Jeremiah, Matthew, 
Luke, Ecclesiastes

Powerful questions:
"How does Job compare to George?" 
(as far as finding / maintaining hope 
in difficult times)

"Miracle" by Vertical Horizon

Vermilye closes the bible study on a short history of the film as well as some general historical references of the 1940s for context (the movie as a whole spans 26 years, from 1919 to 1945). He also offers some movie trivia, much of which can be found on the DVD extras in a documentary hosted by Tom Bosworth. It was interesting to learn that Jimmy Stewart majored in architecture at Princeton when his character George Bailey often talked about his dream about creating big, impressive structures around the country. 

Also funny that there's a note about the song "Buffalo Girls" being played seven times throughout the film! I wondered. I know I always find myself humming it for a couple days after every re-watch!

As Vermilye promised, I certainly did find myself asking the deep questions as I worked my way through this program, even though I thought I knew this film backwards and forwards and, though I love it, couldn't imagine getting anything new from it. He showed me! 


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